Sunday, 16 January 2011

One reason why I'm involved in the world of theatre...

Time Out theatre critic Caroline McGinn had this to say about theatre in an article she wrote on the subject or theatre & race:

"With the decline of religion, the increasing virtualisation of cultural experience and the youthfulness of the gig and club scenes, theatres are one of the few places where diverse people can congregate and have a powerful collective experience, live."

This really hit home for me and it is one of the key reasons for the development of our monthly theatre laboratory LAB10 here in London.  Should you be in London, please do come by and check out what we're doing - and if you're a theatre practitioner in any form, come collaborate with us.

Details are on the Fourth Monkey Theatre Company website:

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Gilbert and George Quote Describing Their Lives...I love this...

"We are only human sculptors... loving nightly... tea drinking... looking... encouraging life... fighting boredom... dying very slowly... greeting politely and waiting until day breaks."


Wednesday, 5 January 2011

All That Remains...A Beginning...

I'm using this as a forum to further explore this experiment of what it is to intimately observe all that is around us.  Likes, dislikes, culture, art, beauty.  To find a way to convey what I am looking at and what I am feeling.  Not to mention what I am creating.  Hopefully someone out there will read this and connect with what I've observed or will find that we share a common ground and will want to express their thoughts as well.  Let's see what happens.  More soon...